Network Incident Management (IRIS-NOC)
RedIRIS manages a communications infrastructure based on dark fibre and the latest optical equipment in addition to high capacity switching and routing equipment for access and core. Various connectivity services and technologies for connecting to private networks are provided on this infrastructure, including: 10G point-to-point transport service, VPNs service, and global IP connectivity service.
The network department is responsible for operating and managing this infrastructure, putting the various services into production and performing engineering and planning work through various staff teams.
The day-to-day management of the network is performed by the OPS (OPeration and Support) group, which is the first point of contact for reporting incidents, making requests and asking questions. It is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
It performs the following functions:
Affiliated institutions may use the following contact information to get in touch with OPS:
OPeration and Support (OPS)
If it becomes necessary to escalate an incident, contact the Network Operation Centre (NOC), which is available during normal working hours. Contact telephone numbers and times available are as follows:
Network Operation Centre (NOC)
Communication regarding these services is additionally made through two co-ordination lists: IRIS-TICKETS (notification of incidents and scheduled work that could affect the service) and IRIS-IP (information and co-ordination of RedIRIS connectivity services).