
Dissemination and dynamization

RedIRIS offers dissemination services to affiliated institutions and citizens in order to publicise the various services, activities and national and international projects that are carried out by RedIRIS. These services include the organisation of training events and courses such as the Technical Conferences, which bring together each year more than 450 representatives of affiliated institutions; Work Groups; Security, WiFi and ABUSES forums; GRID tutorials and other specific meetings. RedIRIS also publishes different publications (brochures, case studies,...) and issues relevant press releases.


We keep in touch:

In order to establish synergies and share experiences with the communications managers of RedIRIS affiliated institutions, we have created the IRIS-PRENSA mailing list. If you belong to the group and want to be included in this list, send a request to the e-mail address 'difusion (at)'.

In addition, all persons interested about the activities and services RedIRIS can follow us on: